Mission Committee would like to thank all the brothers and sisters who donated and supported the Mexico Mission ministry!  All items for the Mexico churches have been purchased and will be shipped soon!

捐贈墨西哥教會的物資都已購妥並即將發货! 宣教委員會感謝弟兄姊妹的踴躍參與! 請繼續為墨西哥教會禱告。


Please help CBCCOC support Ensenada, San Telmo and Camalu churches by purchasing the following items they need. Below are the items in need. We appreciate if you could order the items by 09/12/2021  because some of the items are in high demand.

請幫助 CBCCOC 所支持在Ensenada, San Telmo 和 Camalu的眾教會, 請購買以下他們所需要的物品。 我們將十分感激如果您能在 2021 年 9 月 12 日之前訂購這些物品,因為其中一些物品是急需用的。

  • Bluetooth Rechargeable Speaker 藍牙可充電揚聲器
    • 1 portable speaker for Galilee Church 1 個手提式揚聲器用於加利利教堂
    • Approximately $134.99 每個大約 134.99 美元
  • Speaker Tripod Stand Mount 揚聲器三脚架
    • 1 speaker stand for Galilee Church 1揚聲器三脚架用於加利利教堂
    • Approximately around $30.00 每個大約 $30.00 美元
  • MASTERCANOPY Pop-up Canopy Tent with Roller Bag (12×12, Sky Blue) MASTERCANOPY 彈出式天篷帳篷帶滾輪包(12×12, 天藍色)
    • 6 portable tents for 3 churches: 1 for Rose Sunday School; 2 for Mountain Sunday School; 3 for Galilee Sunday Worship.
    • 6 個手提式帳篷用於3 個教會:玫瑰教會主日學 ㄧ 1個; 山地教會主日學ㄧ 2個; 加利利教會主日崇拜ㄧ 3個。
    • Approximately $190.00 每個大約 190.00 美元
  • Solar Powered Flood Light Outdoor 遙控的戶外太陽能泛光燈
    • 2 large dual solar lights for Mixteco Church 2 個大型雙太陽能燈用於米斯特科教堂
    • Approximately $50.00 每個大約 50.00 美元
  • Solar Flood Lights Outdoor 新版戶外太陽能泛光燈
    • 18 small solar lights for church members: 3 in Rose Church; 6 in Mixteco Church; 9 in Mountain Church. 18 個小型太陽能燈供教會成員使用:玫瑰教會 3 個; 米斯特科教會 6 個;山地教會 9 個。
    • Approximately $40.00 每個大約 40.00 美元

Simply follow the steps below to add item(s) to cart and checkout. If you cannot find your item(s) in the Amazon list, it means that  the item(s) has/have been purchased. You are very welcome to donate to the Restricted Mission Fund which will be used for mission related purposes. Thank you for your hearts for missions! God Bless you!

只需按照以下步驟將商品加入購物車並結帳。 如果該物品不顯示在Amazon 的列表中, 表示已被購買,非常歡迎您奉獻給宣教專用基金, 我們會用於與宣教相關的事工。感謝你們在宣教上的熱心!願上帝祝福你!

Step 1: Click this or scan the QR code.  第 1 步:點擊此處或掃描二維碼。

Step 2: Select the items. 第 2 步:選擇項目。
Step 3: Checkout. 第 3 步:結帳。
Amazon will ship your item(s) to our church and email mission committee. Gracias! 亞馬遜會將您的物品運送到我們的教會, 並電郵宣教委員會。 謝謝!