(A) Mission magazines

(1) Magazines from Great Commission Center International 大使命雙月刊/ 季刊

(2) Magazines from Gospel Operation International華傳雜誌雙月刊

(B) Mission books

(1) Available at our church library: 宣教中的上帝:顛覆世界的宣教釋經學  (The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative; by Christopher J. H. Wright). This is likely the most comprehensive discussion on how God acted in missions in each book of the Bible.

(2) Available at our church library: 機智的好撒瑪利亞人:21世紀基督徒助人前要知道的11件事 (When Helping Hurts: how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor… and yourself; by Steve Corbett, Brian Fikkert). This book offers a wealth of very good principles and very practical ideas on how to do mission work among the poorer countries.

(3) 宣教: 地方教會如何走向世界 (Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global; by Andy Johnson). This short book offers very wholistic ideas for becoming a missional church.